
About the Author

Alistair Cross’ debut novel, The Crimson Corset, a vampiric tale of terror and seduction, was an immediate bestseller earning praise from veteran vampire-lit author, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, and New York Times bestseller, Jay Bonansinga, author of The Walking Dead series. In 2012, Alistair joined forces with international bestseller, Tamara Thorne, and as Thorne & Cross, they write – among other things – the successful Gothic series, The Ravencrest Saga. Their debut collaboration, The Cliffhouse Haunting, was a bestseller. They are currently at work on their next solo novels and a new collaborative project.

In 2014, Alistair and Tamara began the radio show, Thorne & Cross: Haunted Nights LIVE!, which has featured such guests as Anne Rice of The Vampire Chronicles, Charlaine Harris of the Southern Vampire Mysteries and basis of the HBO series True Blood, Jeff Lindsay, author of the Dexter novels, Jay Bonansinga of The Walking Dead series, Laurell K. Hamilton of the Anita Blake novels, Peter Atkins, screenwriter of HELLRAISER 2, 3, and 4, worldwide bestseller V.C. Andrews, and New York Times best sellers Preston & Child, Christopher Rice, and Christopher Moore.

Some highlights of Alistair’s life to date:

1977 – born in Mt. Pleasant, Utah

1983 – read a book called The Ghost That Goofed, and fell in love with the name Belinda, developed a worrisome interest in fire

1984 – was mauled by an angry turkey, discovered rock music

1985 – discovered Stephen King

1986 – Halloween-themed short story assignment was ridiculed (and we’re talking absolutely trashed!) by teacher in front of entire class, considered becoming a novelist for the first time, began writing stories

1987 – Saw Carrie and the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, wrote more stories (most of which featured an unmanageably extensive cast of talking cats)

1988 – dressed as a hooker for Halloween and decided being a cross-dresser wasn’t in the future

1990 – began writing really bad poetry inspired by Stevie Nicks’ lyrics, wrote lots of stories about talking cats

1993 – moved to a new state, didn’t write much

1994 – moved to several new states, began work in fast food, unapologetically dropped out of high school

1995 – moved again, made up all missing credits in five months and received high school diploma, reluctantly cut mullet, began writing again

1996 – got discouraged with writing, considered being a paramedic

1997 – attended first rock concert and cried a little when Stevie Nicks stepped onto stage

1998 – decided against being a paramedic, discovered the work of Dean Koontz, John Saul, and Tamara Thorne, decided to be a writer again

1999 – Stalked Tamara Thorne via mother’s AOL dial-up connection to the interwebs

2000 – discovered vodka, read Wuthering Heights and Rebecca

2001 – 2004 – lived in a vodka-induced blur, went to some parties, took a lot of pictures of people and stuff

2005 – had a spiritual awakening, renounced vodka and photography, became very serious about writing, penned 75% of a novel titled The White Room

2006 – lost The White Room in what is now and forever known as The Tragic Internet-Porn-Related Computer Virus Catastrophe of ‘06

2007 – 2010 – wrote lots of poetry, penned several new stories, practiced the craft of novel-writing, took courses in Creative Writing, won a short-story contest, submerged self in books about writing, began several novels

2011 – became disgusted with life, quit job of thirteen years, moved out of state, finished The White Room, was rejected by 257 agents and publishers, continued writing and being disgusted with life

2012 – got first book published (not The White Room), began doing author interviews via blog, met Tamara Thorne, peed a little when invited to write with her

2013 – adopted a cat and named her Pawpurrazzi after she insisted on living with me, realized how bad The White Room sucked and pulled it out of circulation, continued writing with Tamara Thorne, released the first installments of Belinda, later titled, The Ghosts of Ravencrest

2014 – wrote The Cliffhouse Haunting with Tamara Thorne, began the radio show, Thorne & Cross: Haunted Nights LIVE!, began rewriting The White Room from the ground up after gleefully trashing the original manuscript

2015 – publication of The Cliffhouse Haunting, publication of The Ghosts of Ravencrest, publication of The Crimson Corset (formerly known as The White Room!!!) began new collaboration with Tamara, began new solo novel. The Cliffhouse Haunting and The Crimson Corset reach bestseller’s list

2016 – adopted another cat and named him Sir Purrcival, finished the novel, Mother, began second volume of The Ravencrest Saga

2022 – adopted a third cat and named him Chester Jerome.

Notes and Acknowledgements

This website was designed by Mike Rivera and is hosted by i4 Solutions. It is maintained by Berlin Malcom. Alistair gives his thanks to:

  • Mike Rivera, for his hard work and his unique and accurate vision.
  • Berlin Malcom, for her work on my website, and for handling my marketing, mail, and various business dealings.
  • i4 Solutions, for giving me such a wonderful website.
  • Sara Brunner for your help with my website and support of my writing.

“Lilith,” the Alistair Cross trademark ‘AC’ black widow, designed by Jon Deem and Mike Rivera.

The following may hold copyright on the material used on this website:

  • Alistair Cross
  • Glass Apple Press
  • i4 Solutions
  • Tamara Thorne
  • Thorne & Cross, Inc.