3D book cover for Shadowland by Tamara Thorne & Alistair Cross: A silhouette of a woman standing on a wooden walk way in front of a full moon set in a blue overcast.




The Ravencrest Saga: Book 4


Fairy Tales

Something ancient stirs in the Raven Woods. A creature out of the darkest fairy tales calls to Thad and Cynthia, seducing them with promises of gingerbread and magick. Belinda must keep them safe, but her patience with the children has run thin. Her senses are on overdrive, and her appetites are voracious as she wanders the woods, heeding a siren call only she can hear.

Trickster Spirit

Meanwhile, in Ravencrest Manor, new employee Ryan O’Brien is tormented by a trickster spirit that seems harmless, even humorous. Belinda and Grant assure Ryan he’s safe, chalking up the paranormal activity to a harmless poltergeist, assuring him that levitating mops and flying vegetables are nothing to worry about. But as it gathers power, the entity turns dark, dangerous, and when a suit of armor comes to life with deadly intent, they realize that something more is going on in the mansion.

Dark Secrets

Deep in the bowels of Ravencrest Manor something is waiting and watching; something that will change everything Belinda and Grant ever thought they knew about the secrets … and the ghosts … of Ravencrest.
